Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Me just me

Ever since I can remember, it's been me just me.
Since I learned that I was slightly different in some way, it's been me just me.
When I realized that I'm just too damn nice, it's been me just me.
Eventhough I have a son, it's still me just me.
It will never be me + another for infinity.
It will always be me just me.

The creative mind that stirs endless fashion, stirs lonliness as well.
It's the price to pay for being me.
Me just me.

My life is as follows:
My son
My company

No additonal person, significant other, friend, or associate fit into that equation. At first it wasn't by choice. Now I'm not too sure. I just don't know who to trust and who to believe.
I guess it will always be me just me.


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