Tuesday, January 03, 2006

What is your New Year's Resolution? Okay, it's a rhetorical question, but feel free to comment. Every year I make a ton or resolutions and most of them I never stick to. They are the usual ones, lose weight, eat better, get more exercise, focus on me instead of everyone else, go to church more ... I lost some weight since last year. About half of my goal, which wasn't that bad to me. Especially because I had a ton of things going on. A lot of those things kind of hit me like a truck. Good and bad things occurred in 2005 that made me re-think my life. I can't do anything but count my blessings and remember that everyday I wake up is a good day. Regardless of how bad it may seem. I thank GOD for every minute I have on this Earth. I'm not one of those people that hates life. Even though I do have my moments when I get frustrated, depressed or angry. That just means I'm human. I have a wonderful life. I have a son that loves me and is happy and healthy. I have a sister that always supports me no matter what. A generous mother that always looks at everything from a different perspective. What more can I ask for? Not to mention the host of friends and colleagues that keep me going. Maybe my New Year's Resolution should be to count my blessings daily. For each and every day on this planet brings me joy in some sort of way.


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