Thursday, August 12, 2004

"You Don't Know!"

Don't tell me you don't know. Don't tell me that you are grown and cannot find the words to express your feelings. What do you mean you don't know? Why didn't we work? What was it about me that threw you off? Why am I only your friend? Your homie? You cool peeps? What makes me different then other women? I know I'm pretty, ambitious, hard working, honest and loyal... I know those are qualities that most men would love to have in a woman... So what does it mean you don't know? Maybe you do know? Maybe you can't find the words or the reason why? Maybe you don't want to "hurt" my feelings. All I know is that it's your lost and when you find yourself in the no win relationship, or when your girlfriend cheats on you, I'll ask you what happenened. And you'll say I dont Know.


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