Monday, January 06, 2003

I'm ranting today about all those unappreciative women. Do you know how hard it is to find a good man? Do you know that some women would give their right arm for a man like yours. A man that is passionate, caring and understanding. I prayed for someone like your man all my life and you don't see him in front of your face. Yeah, there are two sides to every story, but love that man, no matter what. A beef is not supposed to last for months. Let your man in your heart and cherish his soul. For you don't want to be without him. Trust me! I wish you knew what it was like for one second to be me. If you did, you would make sure you never let go of that man. If you don't want him, then let him go. He can do bad by himself. He doesn't need dead weight pulling him down. But take a moment to remember your vows. Take a second to remember why you married him and why you decided to spend the rest of your life with him. Stop being stubborn and independent. You're married. He's your life partner, your protector, friend, lover, guardian. He's the man you stood in front of God and promised to be with forever. Act like a wife, not a high school girlfriend. Love him, comfort him, protect him. Be his soul mate and friend like you promised. Be his wife.


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