Monday, December 06, 2004

Some people are good people because of what they do and some people are good at what they do. Let me explain, just by changing words around, you have changed the entire meaning of a sentence. For example, if I donate my time to a homeless shelter, then some may consider me a good person. However, if I play basketball and I'm the highest scorer, then some may say I'm good at what I do. I've learned in life that when you do business, you should separate those definitions when dealing with folks. To be frank, we all want good people in our lives, but a good person cannot benefit me in a business setting if he or she is not good at what she does. How many times have you seen your co-workers fired because they weren't good at what they did? That doesn't mean they weren't good people. Often times we like to give people chances because they are good people. We say well, she's a good person, I don't want to let her go. But in a business setting, you need to say yeah she's a good person, but she's hurting my business.

Friendship and business usually don't mix. Especially if you and a person are so much of friends, that you cannot speak your business mind. I often find that I do eventually become friends with the people I do business with. Primarily because I'm a honest individual, and just because someone is my friend doesn't mean I don't expect to compensate them. Which brings me to the second part of my rant.

If you work hard you should be compensated. Now all of us that may work for ourselves may not get the compensation we deserve. But when you put out effort on behalf of another person, you should be compensated. Bottom line. Friendship or not. Now there's nothing wrong with helping folks out, but when I gotta do for you more or just about as much as I'm doing for me, we need to be talking about dollars and cents here. For example, if I wash your car for you because you asked me to, that's doing you a favor. But if you got me washing your car every Friday, then you need to be paying me. That's simple logic. People with good intentions will still try to take advantage of you. And while they may be good people, you still have to look out for you... Do not sell yourself short people! Get what you deserve.


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