Thursday, November 18, 2004

I'm starting a diet today... Well, I wouldn't call it a diet, it's more like a change in the way I eat. I did this before and was successful, but if will power was money I would definitely be broke. It's so funny because I know the key to losing weight and a healthy diet, it's just that it's so hard to not eat junk food. After I turned 25 and starting working a sit down job, I just blew up. Something about all this food. Every other day somebody brings in cake, and then you go to restaurants to eat lunch, and every body has candy at their desk or office. It's a dieter's nightmare. The first time I lost like 30 pounds in three months. I would've lost more if I just would've stuck to it. But things like pizza, and cheese steak subs came in the picture, and that was all she wrote. I'm not a gym person. And to be honest, I gym wouldn't make me lost weight faster, just better. A lot of exercise makes me more hungry, and I'm back to where I started from. My eating habits made me gain weight, not my exercise habits. When I lost weight the first time, I was soooooo energetic.. Primarily because I wasn't carrying around all that weight. We'll see this time...


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