Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's now 2007...

Wow, 2007! I can't believe it... Despite all the doomsday predictions and so fourth, this Earth has managed to survive until the year 2007 A.D. I can't believe that I've also managed to survive 34 years on this planet. Knowing that this Earth has been here for billions of years humbles me to a certain extinct. I often wonder just what my 70+ years on this earth will amount to in the scheme of things. Who will I impact in life? Will I make any mark on history? Most likely not...

I never wanted to be famous, or this great monumental figure in life. I just want to be me. And what does me consist of??? Now that I really don't know quite yet. It's funny how it takes you all your life to find yourself, and then you die. Life is filled with ironies.

I haven't quite figured all this out yet. I haven't figured out just who I am, and what I'm meant to do in this lifetime. I sometimes feel like I'm a failure because some parts of me are still lost... I still don't know what I want or how to feel...

Sometimes I want to be selfish, but I still don't have the heart to do it. And in the long run, I feel like I'm hurting myself. For a while now I've been going down this long desert highway with no destination in sight. I meet folks along my travels, but none of them seem to stick around that long. I guess this journey is a personal one. One that only I can fulfull...


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