Thursday, October 11, 2007


I haven't posted to this blogger in quite some time... Wow, what can I say? To all my readers, I'm sooooo sorry! Well... I did find another job... It's okay, but the pay sucks. What else is new in the world??

So what am I gonna vent about today???

Relationships and Friends...

Let me try to break this down for everybody. Females are funny creatures. That's why I tend to stay away from female friends. They judge soooo much! Especially because they forget that they go through the same shit you do. Word of advice to females, and we are all guilty of this, keep your girlfriends out of your relationship/s!! They will hate and cause so much more confusion then necessary.

They will try to get in your head and say shit like, "Girl Fuck him!" and he "Porbably cheatin on your ass anyway!" It's a trap, don't listen. When my girlfriends vent to me, I just say, well pray about it, or you not tired yet. When you are you will know. No need to waste your breath with advice. She love that man. And for real you fighting an up hill battle.

If you don't want to hear somebody's unnecessary opinion, then don't tell them shit... I need to live by that my damn self!


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