Thursday, January 18, 2007


You can't change what's meant. The question is What is Meant? You can swear on the life of your children that certain things are meant, but guess what? You don't know. Life is all about change. And as much as you may hate it, your life has no choice but to change. We are living on an ever evolving planet. And us as human beings go through life cycles. You are born, you live and you die. And no matter how much money you have, and no matter how hard you pray, and no matter how much you cry, cuss and fuss, NOTHING will ever change that cycle.

Just like your life cycle, I believe that certain things are meant to happen. Yes I believe in Fate. But I also belive that GOD gives us choices and puts certain signs in front of us. It's our choice to pay attention to those signs or ignore them.

An age old human question is "What's Meant for Me?" It's a question we all have and one I think even Jesus asked himself. And certain answers to certain questions will always be I don't know. Life as well as death is the biggest mystery in the world. With all this modern medicane and modern miracles, one can only still postpone the inevitable. There are millions of people that hear every day, "You only have 6 months to live." How would you live your life if you heard that? What would you do? What what you say? Who would you want to spend that 6 months with? And how would you live your last days?

You should live your every day life as if you had to answer those questions. Or at least try to. Nothing on this earth is promised to you except Death. You cannot rely on anything to be given or handed to you except Death. I've never been one to embrace the fate of my human body. Nor have I been want to accept it. 34 years on this Earth, and I still cannot face the inevitable.

But today I'm willing to accept my fate. Because GOD has an incredible sense of humor. And I know that he will always come out smiling.


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