Tuesday, October 12, 2004


There is a herd of elephants in my bathroom. Maybe family is the better word. It's the mama, papa and baby elephant. They are currently walking around the tub. No they aren't real silly. They are part of my son's safari collection. He likes to play with them while he's in the tub. I was in the bath tub this morning and all of a sudden I noticed them. See when you have kids, you grow immune to things like elephants in your bathroom and matchbox cars on your dresser. And all of a sudden, kiddie movies become part of your DVD collection. And most ot the time you're watching them, not the kids. Hey some of those Disney movies are great films. This morning, I got up out of my spacious warm bed, and got in my son's race car twin bed. Why, because I was lonely, and I couldn't sleep. Yes, I'm a single mother and to be honest I feel like it's us against the world. He's all I have and without him, my life would be so sad. Sometimes you have to recognize who is most important in your life. And sometimes you have to notice the elephants in your bathroom, and the giraffes, and the sharks... But that's another blog... Hug your kids today! They left GOD's side for you!


Blogger Jeri said...

Welcome back Rob... Keep reading. How do you feel about being 1/8 black?

7:39 PM  

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