Wednesday, October 27, 2004

The elephants are back...On another note, better yet on a completely different subject, my dad once told me that, "you have to find someone that loves what you do as much as they love you." That line has a lot of truth to it. Often times I meet men who just don't appreciate my creativity and therefore, we often clash. A lot of people don't understand that being creative is what I am and it's never going to change. A lot of men want to spend time with me after I'm done sewing. But to be frank, I'm never really done, I'm just taking a break. I don't consider something you do almost every day as being a candidate for complete. For example, you're never done doing the dishes because every day you do them. You've just washed that day's dirty dishes... Okay, back to the subject at hand. I've always tried to seek out creative men... Simply because they have a better understanding of my motivation. However, I do not get along with visual creative men... Don't know why... Something about their visualization of life... I better vibe with writers or music makers. I once had a platonic male friend (gotta put that out there for those folks that always think more) who made music. We spent a lot of time together having silent conversations. No words, just vibing off one another's energy. I was often at his apartment while he made music...It soothed me. And we spent so much time together, it was hard to convince our friends that we were just platonic. For a while, it was an everyday occurrence. We both worked, I would go over there, spend all day and all the night and go back to work the next day. No phone, no TV, just us and our silent conversations. To be honest, it was the most intimate relationship I've ever had. Even though, it wasn't a "relationship." I long for that in my life. One of those people that I can have silent conversations with. Someone that vibes off of my energy and just enjoys spending time with me. When I do find that man, he'll be my husband...


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