Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I admire you. I guess that's how we became friends. I admire your drive, your motivation, your hard work. I often find myself thinking about you and thinking how proud I am of you. Some times you make me mad, but it's all love. You probably know of my admiration, but then again, you may not. I hide it a lot. Don't want it be perceived as something else. I'm probably one of your biggest fans. Wow, you have your very own personal cheer leader. I really just want to see you happy. However, I'm limited on how much I can help you. I can't give you 110%. Because for one, I have limited capacity, and two, it probably wouldn't be a good idea. But I think you know where my heart is. Take care of you.

Love Always,

A mystical unrefined shy Black Butterfly!


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