Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I was always taught what goes around comes around. I do not know why people do not understand that. You cannot get away with treating folks badly, it always comes back to you. Hello people, it's called karma. When you put out negative energy, you receive negative energy. And while you may appear to prosper, it's only temporary. Something else will fail. Money cannot and will not buy you happiness. It can only make you comfortable. And yeah it would be good if some of us didn't have to struggle, but in the long run, I think I would rather be poor and happy then rich and miserable. Fact is, you can't take it with you people. It can only buy you a nice funeral. Which brings me today's rant. I hate people who perceive kindness as weakness. Simply because I'm a kind person. And I'll be frank, all it ever got me was being treated like shit. But I will not change myself for anyone. Yeah it does hurt when you give your all to someone and all you get back is heartache. But when you look at the situation, all the folks that treated me like shit are worst off. Most of them are miserable. Stuck in no win situations. We all are victims of being selfish. We all have a mean streak. I'm no exception. But generally I'm a good person. And bad things do happen to good people. I think that's because GOD has a way of testing us. I wouldn't appreciate a good man if I had never been hurt. I wouldn't appreciate the raise I get at work, if I didn't work hard for it. I think that in order to appreciate GOD, you have to go through trials in your life. If your life was perfect, you wouldn't appreciate all that GOD has blessed you with. I'm so thankful for the tears, heartaches, and back stabbers. I thank GOD everyday for those people that hate on me. I pray for the strength to deal with my everyday struggles and GOD always gets me through it. I just keep on living and keep on growing. Mentally, creatively, and spiritually. So when you get the time, thank GOD for your enemies, for they have done so much for you. They have made it possible for you to be blessed.


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