Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I got my son an Easter Basket this year. I had someone from my job make it. I filled it with match box cars, a movie, a game cube game, some candy and a coloring book. My son doesn't like chocolate, so the candy is minimal. Easter is a wonderful time of the year. I don't know if I agree with the Easter Bunny and colored eggs, but hey, to each his own. Easter is the time when Jesus Died and Easter Sunday represents the day Jesus resurrected. The death of Christ is a controversial and very important event in history. Some believe that Christ was just a man, and some believe Christ is the savior. Whatever the case, there aren't too many folks that dispute Christ. He did exist and he's a part of history. The Bible documents his arrival and departure on this earth. And if you're not Christian, then you should still celebrate the life and death of this important man. If we can all celebrate the King Holiday, then why can't we all celebrate the birth and death of Christ. Just a thought.


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