Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I'm hating today and it just started. Don't ask me why. Just don't feel like dealing with today. Wanted to go back to bed and sleep away the headache. I get one everyday. Sometimes twice a day. I think I'm just getting old. I managed to get to sleep last night without the Excedrin PM. Which is a good thing. It leaves me tired in the morning. Even if I go to sleep around 8pm which is practically unheard of. I don't know why sleep evades me. At fist I thought I was some sought of insomniac. But to be honest, I really don't know what I am. Because sometimes I sleep like 7 hours and some nights I'm lucky to get 4. Maybe I just have too much on my mind.

On another note, Easter is coming, and I really don't do the Easter Basket thing for my son. He hates Chocolate and most types of candy, so what's the point of the Easter Basket. But then I feel so bad cause everybody else is getting their kids Easter Baskets. Maybe I'll make him one with Cars and Video Games... Oh the joy! Those are his favorite things. That and his mommy. Which brings me to my rant today. Okay sometimes it takes a while to get there.

My son is my world. He is the most important person in my life. However, I'm torn. I don't want him to be a mamma's boy, but then again, it hurts him so much when I want him to give me space. If I don't push him away sometimes, he'll be up under me 24, 7. I don't mean to be cruel or hurt his feelings. I'm just trying to raise a little boy, not a baby. He's spoiled however, because it's just us. His father really isn't around, so regardless of my intentions, he's still a mamma's boy. He's a great kid and a special person. I'm glad he's in my life. To be honest, he's the only person that ever loved me unconditionally. And he's the only person that always will.


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