Thursday, March 10, 2005

I had to listen to Otis this morning. Don't know why...Otis always brings a sense of nostalgia with his music. Reminiscent of better and simpler times. Something about his voice and the melodies of his songs are so soothing...One of my very favorites is Cigarettes and Coffee. Not one of the most known Otis Redding songs, but one of the most profound. It tells a story of a man and a woman who are great friends and lovers and they're not really doing anything, just smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. Up late talking about everything and he's just wanting to be with her. Man I love that song. Not too many Otis Reddings out there anymore. Never really found anyone that could cover his songs. Only person I can think of is maybe Sam Cooke or Al Green. Actually Rod Stewart didn't do too bad with his cover of Sitting on the Dock of the Bay. But there's only one Otis. Only one Marvin, only one Minnie, only one Roberta, only one Teddie, only one Billie, only one Curtis, only one Barry, only one Stevie, only one Teena, only one Phyllis... It would be real sad if yall didn't know the last names, but most likely if you're over 25 you know those names intimately...

Otis got me through many of a night and many of a day. Today is no exception. Today is one of those days. One of those days where my past memories will haunt me. All of those old songs have some sort of memory tied to them. I guess that's why we keep listening to them...Helps us to remember....


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