Wednesday, August 02, 2006

When you are a child, you often look forward to Christmas so you can get that special toy. You know the one you've been wanting all year. And you really have set in your mind that once you get this one toy, your life will be perfect. And then after you get it, you only play with it a few times. It doesn't become the best toy in your toy collection and 2 weeks after Christmas, you don't even play with it at all. As an adult, I find myself feeling this way. I want something soooooo bad, but is it all it's cracked up to be? Will it make me happy? Will it complete me? Am I looking in the wrong direction? All my life I've often set aside my own dreams. But maybe it's time for me to change focus. Maybe it's time for me to concentrate on the things that will make me happy. And since this is 2006 and I'm not getting any younger, I need to sit down and realize what I want and what is truly best for me. It's time to make a good old fashion list. It's time to change my direction... For what is truly making me miserable has nothing to do with a person... It has to do with me...


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