Wednesday, November 27, 2002

I do have a heart...

Sometimes we all make decisions that we may regret. I guess I've made my share of them. I definately do not trust anyone these days. Everytime, I throw caution to the wind, I get shitted on. Oh well. However, I have no choice now but to learn from it. Stress causes a lot of folks to do a lot of things. And no it's not an excuse, but sometimes, it explains things. I can't stand for someone to judge me. But that's going to happen. People judge you on the present and the past. The only way to avoid it is to avoid people. I don't think people care that I have a heart. My feelings never crossed their mind. I have to change me because being me is hurting me. It's a shame that the nice me, honest me, and kind me will never be seen again. That is, not to any males who aren't already my friends. Tired of hurt feelings and disappointments. And maybe it's my fault for being the way that I am. All I know is that side of me is gone. Time to be alone.


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