Sunday, December 01, 2002

I am Human...

It's a new month and a new me. I am human. I do have feelings, I am a breathing, living creature. Lately, I've been treated like a dog. No respect. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield. I never get any respect. I thought being honest, kind and up front earned respect. I guess not. I've come to realize that in this dog eat dog world, you can't trust anybody and no one respects a kind person. Instead of being something I can never be, I opt to be invisible. I can't believe a bunch of grown people are acting like they are in elementary school. All they do is judge and talk about you. I can't take it anymore. It's enough to drive anyone insane. Just leave me alone. Please. Don't say my name out of your mouth. Don't concern yourself with me or what I do. I won't talk to you if you promise not to talk to me. I don't want to be around anyone anymore. I don't want to get to know you. I could care less if you think you like me. Whatever. Let me be me and let me be in my own world. I can't take the outside world anymore. In order for me to keep my sanity, I have to cut these people off. They are killing my spirit and putting out the fire that burns in my soul. I can't even be creative anymore because my heart hurts so much. I have to find peace within me. If I don't shut myself off, I will surely go crazy.


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