Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Christmas is approaching and this year will be the first year I get a Christmas Tree. Yes my son has been deprived for the first four years of his life. But Christmas is a magical and wonderful time. My son now believes in Santa Claus, so now I got to go all out and make sure he keeps believing in Santa. Now, I know a lot of folks don't like the idea of a Jolly fat white man going around giving kids presents, but I'm sorry, I want my son to believe in him. At least as long as possible. I usually don't get sucked up into the commercialism of Christmas, I believe Jesus is the reason for the season. To all you parents, I suggest you pick up the Charlie Brown Christmas special. It's one of the few cartoons that explains Christmas and the true meaning behind it. Plus, it's a wonderful story. I also think Polar Express was a good film as well.

For Christmas, I'm getting my son movies. I'm getting the Sponge Bob Movie and Shark Tale. Yes, I visited the bootleg man, don't hate. My son is 5, he doesn't know the difference. My mom and my sister got him all kinds of things, and who knows what his father's family got him. I usually don't have to spend much at Christmas, I'm blessed.

To everyone out there, make sure you have a blessed holiday and remember that Christmas is about giving, not receiving.


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