Thursday, March 31, 2005

I'm on a weight loss kick. For those of you that don't know, I started a diet in November. So far I lost 18 pounds. Yeah it could've been more, but ummmm I like to eat. I love bacon and the occasional piece of birthday cake. Yes salads are good, but sometimes you get soooo tired of salads. I lost weight once before around 3 years ago. More a drastic weight loss then this time. And yeah I looked great, but damn I was starving. Not this time. Weight loss is an individual thing. What works for one person, may not work for another. I don't try to give advice cause I hate it when folks try to give theirs. I know what I have to do to lose weight. I'll lose it. Plus losing more then 2 pounds in one week is just not healthy. Primarily because you lose a lot of muscle and you are more prone to gain it back. Dieting is only a temporary solution. You have to change the way you eat permanently. Well at least that's the only thing that works for me. To anyone trying to accomplish a goal, remember this, only you can prevent yourself from not succeeding. If you tried your best, then who cares what anyone else thinks. Because ultimately it's your goal and you have to live with yourself.


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