Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I haven't written in this blogger for a long time. I guess I've been keeping my thoughts to myself. And all of a sudden I'm beginning to realize that I've been sought of numb lately. Not really feeling too much. I'm wondering where all this lack of feeling came from. Most likely the same hum drum routine. Work, Work, Work... And while there's nothing wrong with working... That's all my life is. I guess I need to go out and do something with my life. My friend reminded me the other day that I'm sooooo boring... My life is boring, my job is boring, I dress boring... I don't know where all this boredom came from. I use to be so lively... But I guess that the more you get hurt, the more you sink deeper into some sought of safe zone... I really don't go out, and I don't have too many friends. I really can't trust people anymore. And dating, well.....That's a good joke. Too scared to meet someone new...I never thought I would wind up being safe. But it seems like whenever I take a chance, it never works out in my favor... So I'm just wasting away my life at this computer screen, hoping and praying for a break of this monotony...


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