Monday, May 02, 2005

I didn't know what to write about today, so I decided to write about Marmaduke. Well that's what I call him. Marmaduke is the Great Dane that lives right across the alley from me. He barks at everybody. He's not friendly enough to be called Scooby Doo. He's always outside and his living space is kind of small. Poor thing, doesn't get much exercise. Maybe that's why he's always cranky. Sometimes, his owner does let him in the house. I imagine he's probably put in the basement or something. Whenever, he's in the house, the pigeons always take a bath in his water and eat his food... I always laugh when he comes outside and cusses out the birds. They fly away so fast cause they know they were wrong. And then after they fly away you can hear Marmaduke mumbling to himself. Just like an old man...I don't know what's the point of this entry. I don't know what made me talk about that grumpy dog today. I don't even like dogs. But Marmaduke is a funny character, and every time I look outside and stare into the sky, somehow I look at him and always laugh. Maybe everyone needs a Marmaduke across the alley from them. A mean old dog that's not really mean at all...


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