Thursday, April 20, 2006

I truly believe that change is always a blessing, but it can be hard. Good things and bad things come from change. I also believe that just because you think something is bad, doesn't really mean it is. GOD has a way of sending you messages and how you interpret them can be based on your faith. Sometimes, things just don't go our way. And you say to yourself, why do some people always seem to succeed? Success in life is constantly measured by financial gain. I believe that financial gain is not always a blessing. For you don't know who that person prayed to or "sold their soul" to in order to gain it. I refuse to sell my soul or put aside my morality and integrity for a dollar. Maybe those people are so rich because they chose to sell themselves. Or maybe those people are rich because they are meant to be rich at that moment in time. Money, just like life, isn't promised to anyone. For even your paycheck may not come, due to any type of everyday occurrence. I was raised to believe that you work hard, you pray hard, and if you have faith, things will work out for you in the long run. But what is the long run, or the long road, or the long haul? I think eventually everyone runs out of patience, waiting on their "pay date." But your pay date might not be the mega millions. Your blessing could be staring you in the face, and you are just so caught up in your own world, that you do not see it. Jesus didn't surround himself with rich people. For just because you are rich worldly doesn't mean you are rich spiritually. I choose to deal with people that I have great affection for. And none of those people are rich. I'm glad they chose to also not be around rich people, for I would never have gotten to know them.


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