Monday, August 28, 2006

"Sometimes a man and a woman have an understanding that no one understands, not even their own selves".

No it isn't my quote. It came from Lackawanna Blues. Please forgive me if I spelled it wrong. I'm just writing right now. That quote is important because sometimes there is no explanation for a relationship between a man and a woman. Some things just are because it is what it is... And in the whole scheme of life, the reasoning or the logic of my relationship is really insignificant. Because in the end, there's just me anyway. And the good times we have will eventually fade and all I'm gonna be left with are memories. I'm gonna miss all the laughs, tears, talks and love we made. But I have no choice but to live my life. I do wish things were different, but sometimes you can't fight the obvious. I can only be me and I can only do in life what I do. I can't be what you need me and want me to be... So on that note... I'm out... Well at least, my heart is


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