Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Giving Up...

Sometimes you gotta know when to throw in the towel. Gotta know when your efforts are in vein. And it's not that I didn't try, but my hands are tied. Nothing I can do about this one. Sometimes, I don't learn my own lessons. Or at least, I tend to forget them. I guess when you lie to yourself, you can convince yourself that things are a certain way. When in all reality, things just aren't going your way. And they never will. Well at least not when it comes to certain things. Fate is an interesting concept. It has a lot to do with faith as well. I hope everything works out for all my friends. I will never wish ill will on anyone, but now it's time for me to give up...

I can only live my life to the best of my ability. No one else's. I can only do but so much. I can only be me and what I'm meant to be. I can't fill anyone else's shoes. I can't be a dream girl or a princess, or a model. I can only be a hard-worker, a mother and a friend. That's it. And if you are my friend, I can extend my hand to help you, but not my heart. That part of me has died and has given up. And this broken heart is beyond repair.


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