Monday, April 25, 2005

Real Friends are hard to find. In fact, once you find one, hold on to that friend. Many of our enemies come in disguises as friends. I once heard that the biggest trick the devil played on the world was to convince the world he didn't exist. The devil is around us each and every day. And while I don't believe that people are the devil, I do believe that the devil can influence us to act like we don't know any better. That can explain why good people do bad things. It's just a theory. I have been blessed with good and bad events in my life. The bad are often trials. Trials that may take a spell to get through. Some call them storms. When a storm hits, all you can do is pray and hold on. Hold on to your virtues, your beliefs, and your faith. The storm will pass. GOD shows us everyday that change is evident. When you woke up this morning, you opened your eyes. When you went in to wake your child, he or she woke up. When you went to go feed the dog or cat, they came to you. When you brushed your teeth this morning, your mouth felt better. When you jumped in your car and headed to work, you got there. And if you had a fender-bender, you were able to make that call to your insurance agent. Some of us didn't have the luxury of waking up, or waking up our child, or feeding the dog, or brushing our teeth, or jumping in the car and heading for work. All the things that make up your daily routine, are all miracles. The fact that you woke up was a miracle. The sleeping child derived from a miracle. The fact that the dog came to you this morning was a miracle. Miracles are large and small. And sometimes they don't come when you think you need one. But that doesn't mean they don't exist.

And even though my heart breaks from time to time and some days I get a little sad, I try to remember all the miracles. All the things that GOD has given me and continues to give me. I'm constantly reminded that storms do pass and miracles do happen.


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