Monday, December 30, 2002


To all those that loved me and supported me over the years.
To those that have always given of themselves without any hesitance.
To those that were honest with me, even when they thought it would hurt me.
To those that loved me for me and accepted me for me.
To those that let me go so I could move on to bigger and better.
To those that never judged me and always considered me.
To those who became my true friends and learned that friendship is a commitment.
To those that have taught me not to wear my heart on my sleeve.
To those that pressure me to do the right thing, even when I don't want to.

I would like to also take the time to thank those that hated on me.
Those that back stabbed me.
Those who talked about me like a dog and always had something bad to say.
To all those that lied to me and broke my heart.
To all those took advantage of my kindness.
To all those that took my words and transcribed them to be negative.
To all those that have shown me no love.
I thank each and every one of you.
For energy can neither be created or destroyed, just transformed.
All the negative energy you have given me over the years has been transformed.
Because despite what you dish out, I can take it.
Not only can I accept, I turn it around.
Remember that the next time you hate.
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High Speed Internet