Maybe boring isn't the word I wanted to use. Maybe I wanted to say serious. Regardless of the word, I still am thinking about you and just how stern your approach is to life. I wish I could say that I'm not being foolish. I know your situation, and yet I still pursue you. No you aren't married or even close to it, but you do have issues. But then again, who doesn't. And when you first me, I had "issues" to. But slowly but surely, those issues resolved themselves. In the interim, I'm still going to be your friend. And we'll see what happens...
Friday, April 08, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
Sometimes we as human beings think that we are so important. All of our problems are superior to anyone else's. Yeah I know your home got foreclosed on and your car got repossesed, but damnit, I lost my job. That's just an example of how we feel sometimes. We think that we got it real bad. But you know what, if you take a look at the next person's problems, your problems really aren't that bad. Put your life into perspective. Your mother and grandmother use to call it "Counting your blessings." If you count your blessings, you will see that you have far more then most people. You might not have the biggest house, but you have a place to call home. You might not have the best car, but you're not catching the bus. You might not have a man, but you are healthy and have male friends that could become that man. And while some may appear to have everything, the grass is always greener on the other side. I knew a girl from school. She was a very pretty girl. Always had the best men, drove the best cars, wore the best clothes. When she got married, her husband was a professional athlete. She had it all, a mansion, cars and a millionaire for a husband. Yeah I was jealous. Right after I gave birth to my son, I found out that after being 8 months pregnant, she lost her son. She had a miscarriage and he was still- born. All the money in the world couldn't bring back that son. That mansion and all those cars couldn't mend that broken heart. And no the Good Lord didn't bless me with all those material riches, but he did bless me with a healthy and happy son. And I don't know about your opinion, but I know my blessing was indeed the better one. Count your blessings...