Friday, August 18, 2006

1 hour and 45 minutes... Plus or minus. That's how long I have until I get off of work and into the hands of a Dutch Master... Or should I say a Dutch Master in my hand. Yeah, I smoke too much... I just have mad stuff on my mind right now... And some things are just fueling the fire. I just need to relieve some stress and it's just not happening. I just need to feel good right about now. And the one person that I need to talk to is not listening to me...So maybe if I talk to a Dutch, I can get my point across. My life isn't where I need it to be. And as much as I need to vent I can't. And all of this is killing me inside. I'm frustrated right about now... And I just need an outlet. And my creative one just isn't working. I just need to do me and I feel like I cant...
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