Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Im a disco baby... What does that mean? Well I was raised on a lot of different types of music, but the one I remember the most is Disco... I remember having all my mom's old 45's in my room and playing them over and over again on my Fisher Price record player. My love affair with Disco begun. Every now and then I'll listen to it. It brings a sense of nostalgia. My dad had a 1973 Datsun 260 Z. It had lamb's wool seat covers, chrome side pipes, a chrome engine, a custom paint job, a custom transmission, and the best thing, an 8-Track player. My dad was not a big soul music fan. He always listened to the "lite" music stations or pop stations. The closet thing you got to R&B was the Bee Gees, Roberta Flack, or Johnny Mathis. But I often remember listening to the Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack in my daddy's car with the wind blowing through my hair. (Back then car's didn't have AC, well not a lot of them, only the expensive ones) I remember feeling on top of the world in that car. Just me and my daddy chillin.

It's been around 25 years since then, plus or minus a few years, and things have changed so much..... 8 track players and tape players are ancient and can only be found in the dungeon of someone's house or on ebay. Hell an Atari system goes for cash on ebay. Only in this backwards culture can you sell all your old junk and get sure nuff money...

I long for some of those times to come back. Life was soooo fun. Most likely cause I was a kid. But there's something about black and white TV's and 8 track players that symbolizes a better time. Sure there was crime and drugs, but technology has corrupted our corrupted society even more. Now there's identity theft and computer viruses. Back then the only virus you worried about was the Chicken Pox or the measles. Now we have HIV to worry about. Some say too much free living and sin is what's causing our demise. I say it's technology and a lack of responsibility on our part.

It's sad that my son won't have those memories of disco music and simpler times. Some times those memories are what keeps me sane. I feel sorry for those who don't have them.

Monday, September 19, 2005

I bought a mix CD from my DJ a long time ago. It was a R & B Classic Cd. Yeah, I know you not supposed to buy mix cd's but who cares. Sometimes the copyright law can be stupid. Enough of my interpretation on laws and where they stand in interruption of the constitution. That's a whole different blog...

The CD is scratched beyond belief. And still I refuse to throw it away. Primarily because I know I wouldn't be able to find it again. Plus I have a version somewhere that's not scratched. Anyhow...I was always taught that you don't throw something that's good away because of a few flaws. Folks are so quick to dismiss someone that's not perfect. Hello people its 2005. We not getting any younger and the world as we know it is changing and dying. You might as well be with that person that makes you happy and has your back. I've never been a shallow individual, so maybe that's why I don't understand them. I always felt like love is a special thing and everyone deserves it. Of course I'm attracted to who I'm attracted to. But I try to give everyone a fair shot. I won't dismiss a good man cause he could stand to lose 20-30 pounds. That's minimal in the scheme of life. But I can't say the same for everyone. My biggest mistake was assuming that folks were kind and considerate and able to see pass the day to day physical that this universe offers us. People never cease to amaze me with their cruelty.
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