Thursday, December 14, 2006

Robin Thicke...

That's what I'm listening too... and if you don't know who Robin Thicke is, well you need to get to know him.

As far as today's rant... I really don't have too much to say besides that I need to get back on my grind. I've been lazy for far too long. I've been chilling so hard for the past 6 months that I don't even know how to grind anymore.

One of my girlfriends has been begging me to start sewing again. I mean I will have to eventually. Prom season is coming up. And hell, I don't even remember the last time I sat a prom season out.

I haven't been myself in a long time. And I really just want my life back. I don't know where it went, but it needs to come back home.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

There were no Mr. GoodBar's in the vending machine this morning. And yeah probaby the last thing I need to eat in the morning was a Mr. Goodbar. I had sugar for breakfast. Not exactly the best breakfast. It's a long story...

I rarely have a Mr. Goodbar these days. Nobody gets them for me anymore. Some things I will always miss. Like Mr. GoodBars and kisses when you leave. But like I said some things will never be. And in my dreams is where the only happiness lies. You talk about giving chances, does that mean everybody but me? Do you feel like you've given me too many chances already? Nobody is perfect. And somewhere down the line I've lost the person I use to be.

I guess I need to get use to me, myself and I because in the end that's all I got. And the Mr. Goodbar days were good while they lasted, but all good things come to an end. I just wish it would've lasted just a little bit longer.
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