Friday, August 20, 2004

Yeah I'm still done...

But I want to speak on something else today. I think Brandy should've stayed with Rodney Jerkins as her producer. Someone once said that Brandy's new album is the best album Aaliyah never made. Timbaland's tracks are too reminiscent of old Aliayah albums. And while the tracks are hot, every time Brandy opens her mouth it sounds like the wrong person is singing the song. Some of the songs sound like that were produced in Aaliyah's key. Brandy sounds off pitch sometimes. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I miss my baby girl...But because of that, I have yet to purchase my own copy of Brandy's album. While it's a nice album, listening to it makes me a little sad. Brandy sounds more like herself with the Kanye West tracks. Needed to write about that today... In a way, it was bothering me.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

"I'm Done!"

Can't take the nonsense anymore. And to be honest, I just don't understand. Tied of lies, tears, and confusion. I regret getting to know a lot of people. And no I cannot change the past, I just wish I was thinking with a clear head. But sometimes emotions can be euphoric and all you're thinking of is the feeling. Just because I have a heart, I'm perceived as weak. Maybe because I'm not a bitch. Well, I can't be something I'm not, so in my shell I'll continue to stay. Simply because everytime I come out, I get hit with the bullshit! Why me???

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I wonder if you meant it...

I know I asked you to say it. But that's because sometimes you need to hear things. It's hard for me to trust people, however a woman sometimes wants you to say what she wants to hear. And if you didn't mean it, I wouldn't be angry. Yeah I'm grown and mature, but sometimes I'm a little girl when it comes to emotions. Maybe I'm unexperienced when it comes to emotions. Who knows. I've always said whatever was on my mind. Some folks enjoy my bluntness and some don't. But to each his own. I just hope that you would let my affection blossom... Just to see what you would get...
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