Negative Equity
Well if you've bought a car or two in your lifetime, you've probably heard of this. Some call it upside down. And all it means is that you owe more then the car is worth. I always said that negative equity never goes away. You just roll it over. The only way to truly get rid of it is to pay it off. And Hell, who wants to do that? I guess I'm writing this because some things in life just aren't investments. Cars is one of them.
The other thing is relationships... Some people like to say "I invested all these years..." Invested?? You can't invest in a person. It will never pay off. People aren't property. And they will leave you whenever their heart desires. After 33 years on this Earth, I've learned that sometimes you just got to know when to relax. Some people aren't meant to be what you want them to be. And yeah it hurts cause you human, but you can "invest" time, energy, money and love into a person, and they will never give you what you want in return. Relationships and the time you spend in them is "negative equity". It has no financial gain.
All you can do with relationships is enjoy them. Enjoy the laughs, tears, pain, pleasure... Just like your car, it's a means to an end. That relationship is a source that makes you happy. And just like a car when it starts breaking down and becoming unreliable, and just too much trouble, it may be time to trade that car in. And no you can't trade people in, but you can move on to somebody and something new.
As far as me. My car is fine... I just owe too much on it. And my relationship, well if you want to call it that, that's fine too... Just confusing sometimes. And the equity in it is positive. For I never expected to get anything in return.
Well if you've bought a car or two in your lifetime, you've probably heard of this. Some call it upside down. And all it means is that you owe more then the car is worth. I always said that negative equity never goes away. You just roll it over. The only way to truly get rid of it is to pay it off. And Hell, who wants to do that? I guess I'm writing this because some things in life just aren't investments. Cars is one of them.
The other thing is relationships... Some people like to say "I invested all these years..." Invested?? You can't invest in a person. It will never pay off. People aren't property. And they will leave you whenever their heart desires. After 33 years on this Earth, I've learned that sometimes you just got to know when to relax. Some people aren't meant to be what you want them to be. And yeah it hurts cause you human, but you can "invest" time, energy, money and love into a person, and they will never give you what you want in return. Relationships and the time you spend in them is "negative equity". It has no financial gain.
All you can do with relationships is enjoy them. Enjoy the laughs, tears, pain, pleasure... Just like your car, it's a means to an end. That relationship is a source that makes you happy. And just like a car when it starts breaking down and becoming unreliable, and just too much trouble, it may be time to trade that car in. And no you can't trade people in, but you can move on to somebody and something new.
As far as me. My car is fine... I just owe too much on it. And my relationship, well if you want to call it that, that's fine too... Just confusing sometimes. And the equity in it is positive. For I never expected to get anything in return.