Monday, August 01, 2005

My job has to be the only job on the planet where folks drink coffee in the middle of the afternoon... Well in fact, we drink coffee all day. It's free... Why not. We have two "state of the art" coffee machines on each of our floors. They have the coffee in these little disposable stay fresh pouches, just pop one in and there goes your cup of coffee... Don't drink coffee? That's cool, we have tea as well... All courtesy of the J O B... I guess it's supposed to help productivity. Hell, I work in accounting. It's enough to drive the most active person to boredom in 60 seconds flat. Then the day is compounded with meetings and conference calls about things that never get done. How frustrating. See that's why I need my own business. Yeah it's hard work, but I can do things like take a nap in the middle of the day. 8 hours a day I spend here, and the only think I can say I truly accomplished is not getting enough rest. I try to go to bed at night, but I just can't seem to get enough sleep... Oh well... Something may give!
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High Speed Internet