Thursday, August 11, 2005

War can be a devastating thing. But in this day in age it has somehow become an evil necessity. It strikes me as odd how we all pray for our troops, but do not pray for all the innocent people caught in the cross fire of wars. Most normal people in the world don't wake up and say, you know what?, I want my entire life to be destroyed by a war. And in the end, what do we really have to show for the 4 of 5 years we've been at war? I'm not a political hound, so I have no idea what this war was about. And after 911 it seems like the destruction of the twin towers was enough ammunition for American Citizens to "blast the hell out of Iraq." Hmmmm... Seems like it was designed that way to me. But enough about my conspiracy theories, that's not what this blog is about. No, soldiers do not walk around in Desert Fatigue in my home town, they walk around in navy blue uniforms. No, soldiers don't drive tanks through out streets, they drive blue and white Fords. No they don't carry rifles out in the open, they carry their firearm at their hip. And while it seems so much better here in the US, is it really? We are living in a war ourselves. A war of morality, poverty, and hypocrisy. The only difference between here and Iraq, is that war has go one and will go on forever. Our war will eventually extinguish us. It's called genocide people and unfortunately it appears as though it's one of those necessary evils....
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