Thursday, July 22, 2010

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!

Okay so I'm watching the news the other day and they were speaking of how Bed Bug Rates are surging! And I was having this discussion with MMB on just how they come about. Bed bugs are outside bugs and they can attach to your clothing. So when you come home and head straight to your bed, then "TAAAAAAAAADAAAAAA" they get in your bed. So then I proceeded to tell MMB that I have never ever in my natural born life seen them or had them and then I started to remember.

When I was younger, my mother and father, just like so many mothers and fathers, use to stress just how important it was to remove your outside clothing, and take a shower before you got in your bed...And... she use to fuss at you if you sat on her bed with your clothes on.... Hmmmmm..... How bout when I was younger, I thought it was just another reason to fuss... Never thought it made any sense.

Which brings me to today's rant. There are soooo many things that your parents and your elders told you when you was young that never ever made any sense to you. And some will never probably make sense. But in the end, most of the time, they were right. Damn! As an adult, we sometimes hate to admit that our parents were right! No one likes to believe an old soul! If I had a dollar for every time both my parents were right I would probably be a semi-rich woman. As a woman, I have to admit my faults, as much as I hate to!

I have had a full life, I guess, but there is still so much more for me to learn. It seems hard to think that GOD intended for us to learn all of life's lessons in one lifetime! Hmmmm...Maybe all the things that our parents told us is supposed to make up for the rest of things that we just will never have the time to learn on our own!

Monday, July 19, 2010

I posted my last blog from my cell phone. Felt like Reverend Run and when he blogs from the tub... With that being said, my rant today is about time... And how it passes so quickly...Seems like yesterday I just graduated from College and I was wide eyed and bushy tailed and dreaming of some great future... And somehow, someway, didn't turn out like that... and all I can do is ponder...

Why? What made me end up like this? People are only but so strong... And personally I really don't think that I deal with heartbreak the best way... I just have a tendency to put up another wall. I was talking to MMB today about how I'm just not that close to my parents. I mean they weren't bad parents, but they had issues... Who doesn't? But to this day I just don't have a bond. Maybe I should. But it just isn't there. To be honest, a lot of things just aren't there! Woosah!

When I was younger, my dad explained to me just how important hard work was. And I took that and ran with it. That's because it was the only thing that I could rely on. Work hard, get paid, go to sleep, and wake up and do it all over again. There wasn't much disappointment in work. But life, well... That's a whole different blog. And quite honestly I neither the time nor inclination to write a biography right now.

Let's just say it's not human nature to be alone. It's not rite for your heart to ache! But in the end, all I can do is laugh, smile, and pretend that work is enough to sustain a beautiful mind. It's the only thing that has kept me sane.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Its 8:30 in the am and I have had 3 hours of sleep and Im officially tired. I think about all the self sacrifice and wonder if its all worth it? Is the career choice I made the smartest? Most financially sound? Will it ensure retirement at an early age? Most likely no! Its hella hard work, sleepless nights, and aching body parts. Idk if thats what I had in mind when I was six and wanted to be a fashion designer. But now Im in this life wondering just how imma get it all done. Its so much for one person. I guess its worth it.
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