Thursday, September 30, 2004


Yes I love you, but love comes in many shapes and forms. And just because I say I love you doesn't mean that love is the same as your wife or your girlfriend, or someone you have a physical relationship with. I love you with all my heart and I wish you all the best. It hurts me when you hurt and I feel when you are sad. But I understand you're in love and I respect that. I'll do all I can to help you, but I'm not trying to violate what you hold dear. It's not that kind of love. I'm your friend. All too often people lose sight of love and what it really means. Everyday is not going to be peachy and every word you say to a love one is not going to be nice. Sometimes you want to tell the truth and that truth can hurt. Don't question my motives because you think I'm devious or because you think I want something which you don't want. I just want to be your friend. Part of you reminds me of myself. And that's what I love about you. The good and the bad parts of you that resemble myself. Please take care of yourself and know in your heart that I love you. But also know that I'm your friend.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

It's Raining today...

I hate the rain. It clouds my mind. Plus it makes my finger hurt. (I broke it last year in a car accident) One weather type that I just can't deal with. Now we all have our own way of dealing with rain. Some people ignore it, some people carry Umbrellas, some people avoid it, some people don't drive in it, some people sleep through it. We all have our own way of coping with the rain. Most of the time I ignore it... I'm not an umbrella person. Because no matter what, you can't shield yourself from rain. It's GOD's way of cleaning the earth and clearing your mind. I was speaking to a friend of mine last night. He reminded me that business is some times what is most important. And I guess I lose sight of that some time. All of the sadness and all the lonliness, it's just rain. And after I woke up this morning, I realized that he was right. Business has always been the most important thing to me. And friends and men come and go, but in the end, my business and dream is all I have left. We all lose faith, and we all lose sight of what is most important to us. It was late when I called my friend. But I called him anyway. You know why, because I knew he would be up. Up late taking care of business.

Thanks for the reminder... Love U!

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